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We specialise in SHIFTING stuck places !
Our Awakened Leadership PATH reveals the barriers standing between you and fully expressing your potential.
Achieve your goals
Studying with us equips you for an extraordinary life as a Leader, Coach, Parent, Agent of Change and Entrepreneur.
Students Voices
"It is an opportunity to stretch further than what you have done before. It gives you tools to manage the environment, behaviours and your perception. Going on the journey you would actually be surprised to see who you are and how you can show up. There is always a better version of self."
"You are listened to without judgement, you are challenged to confront blind spots, you grow from the roots up. TRI meets you where you are at and journeys with you from there. TRI gives you the tools one needs to awaken the leader within. It reminds you that you have what it takes to achieve full potential."
It is a journey of self-discovery - finding the person I never thought I was. I have discovered things I was unaware of. Along the way I realized that I am more capable of doing things than what I imagined. I have built a solid foundation - understanding the person I am and what I like to be. Believing in my values as well."
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